Coronis Health, Laboratory & Pathology
Toxicology Labs
Coronis Health understands the unique needs of toxicology laboratories.
Further, we specialize in providemedical billing services to toxicology testing laboratories. Billing for a toxicology or drug testing laboratory can present unique challenges. This is especially important as it relates to out of network insurance payers as well as the large number of panels billed for each patient for both initial and confirmation tests. Therefore, having the right systems solutions in place is critical to proper financial outcomes.
We can work with your laboratory to create a scalable, easy, and comprehensive billing and system solution. For example, we can develop imports or interfaces with your Laboratory Information System (LIS) to our billing and financial management systems. This eliminates much of the paperwork associated with outsourcing your billing and streamlines the laboratory billing process. Furthermore, we then provide you with complete access to financial business intelligence tools and reporting to let you know exactly where you stand.
All of our systems for laboratories are web-based meaning you do not have to install software or costly servers.
Management can access our systems anytime, anywhere… keeping you in complete control.