Blog > Toxicology Reference Laboratories: Maximize Reimbursement
June 13, 2016
Toxicology Reference Laboratories: Maximize Reimbursement

Toxicology Reference Laboratories: Maximize Reimbursement

Toxicology Reference Laboratories: Maximize Reimbursement


Toxicology Reference Laboratories:
A Free Webinar Wednesday, June 15, 2016 (10:30am EST)

webinarIn today’s changing reimbursement environment it is more important than ever for Toxicology Reference Labs to maximize revenues by completely understanding the best billing and revenue cycle management processes as well as efficient workflows and revenue analytics.

Our free webinar will walk you through historical trends of toxicology reference lab revenue as well as a future outlook on how to maximize revenues given the changing nature of the business. If you own, manage or work for a toxicology reference laboratory, this webinar should prove helpful for you and your future success.

The Toxicology Reference Lab Reimbursement Webinar is sponsored by LabLynx, a leading LIS company serving laboratories throughout the US. Its main presenter is Markus Muhlhauser, CEO of PractiSource, LLC. Markus has a 20+ year history of maximizing revenues and providing increased RCM efficiencies for laboratories, medical practices and medical facilities. He has done so for the smallest of entities all the way to Fortune 500 organizations.

Join us after for an informative question and answer session.

Please note the webinar your are looking for has passed. If you would like a copy of the webinar, please contact us at and we will send you the latest link. Thank you.