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MSOC decorates duffel bags for Together We Rise event

May 21, 2015

Melanie Armstrong, a former employee of MSOC, left in 2013 to attend law school at UNC. She has a heart for children in the foster care system and organized a Together We Rise​ fundraising event to raise money to sponsor and decorate duffel bags for children brought into the foster system through Orange County Department of Social Services.

MSOC was glad to financially support this effort and decorate duffel bags for twenty children! Each bag will replace the trash bags that are usually given for their belongings and contain a coloring book, crayons, hygiene kit, blanket and teddy bear. Thanks so much to everyone for helping!

In case you are interested in donating or learning more about this effort, visit UNC Law Child Action – Duffel Bags for Foster Kids.


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