November 20, 2014
How Good Customer Service Can Improve Your Medical Practice Collections

How Good Customer Service Can Improve Your Medical Practice Collections

How Good Customer Service Can Improve Your Medical Practice Collections


Good_Customer_ServiceGood customer service can drastically improve your collection procedures. In medical billing, diplomacy does not equate to “writing off” bad debt. Customer retention, on the other hand, requires diplomacy. It is crucial to keep in mind that a good A/R is also a good customer service representative.

Good Customer Service Impacts Patients’ Perception of a Healthcare System

Statistics consistently show the importance of good customer service in medical billing. According to a survey by TransUnion Healthcare, positive billing and payment experiences can influence how patients assess their overall quality of care. Negative billing experiences, on the other hand, can dissuade a patient from using healthcare services, especially when they perceive their health conditions as non-critical. 

Good Customer Service Needs to Happen Online, Too

Direct customer service from an A/R to a patient is certainly important, but so are the patients’ experience on your company’s website and online portals. A Customer Experience Report by Oracle says that electronic bills that come with reliable and clear appointment reminders, discharge letters, and financial assistance forms are key reasons why customers stay loyal to a particular brand. It is also vital to make sure your patient portals’ interface is intuitive, mobile-friendly, and highly secure, so that patients are more likely to enjoy using it.   

What Can Medical Billing Companies Do to Improve?

Providing good customer service to patients requires a medical billing company to make strategic investments to ease the patient’s payment process. These integral investments should come in the form of proving proper customer service training to all your employees and making electronic payments simple and safe.

Giving good customer service will help you maintain your medical billing company’s reputation and keep your patients satisfied and loyal. If you are interested in learning more about how good customer service can improve your collection procedures, visit our website and/or contact us with questions. 
