Anesthesia Transition Management
- A detailed review of specific practice configuration and requirements.
- Analysis of lost revenue potential
- Review and assessment of forms and information flow
- Development of written billing guidelines and policies
- Provider documentation and compliance in-services and ongoing education
- Discussion and recommendations regarding management information requirements
- Formulation of an optimum support structure, including a responsible ABC Vice President or Regional Director, Account Manager and other potential support staff
Compliant Anesthesiology Billing Processes
- Optimization of charge submission process
- Fee Schedule analysis
- Managed Care contract review
- Electronic claims filing and payment posting
- CPT, ASA and ICD-9 coding
- Regular feedback on quality and provider charge documentation consistency
- Extensive regular interaction with practice management staff
- Provider enrollment with carriers
- Insurance payment verification and automatic underpayment review
- Line item posting
- Extensive management reporting options
Anesthesia Reimbursement Follow Up
- Timely and aggressive follow-up with insurance plans and patients
- Payer performance monitoring
- Regular AR performance metrics and trends reporting
- Budgeting and performance review
- Consistent delinquency management
- Refund management
- Regular interaction with clients via phone and in person
Anesthesiology Compliance
- Compliance in-service for all providers
- Compliant billing service
- Assistance with Client’s Compliance Plan, if desired
- Ongoing audit feedback on provider documentation
Anesthesiology Client Services
- All clients are supported by a team of anesthesia account professionals
- Management information can be provided by means of any of a number of options including hard copy, e-mail, on line or dashboard
- One call client support for any ad hoc analysis
- Payer contract review and negotiation support
- Assistance in hospital relationships and contracting
- Benchmark data and practice comparisons
View Our Dashboards

Anesthesia Practice Overview Dashboard

Accounts Receivable Dashboard