May 13, 2015
Cutting Costly Codes Act Attempts to Delay ICD-10

Cutting Costly Codes Act Attempts to Delay ICD-10

Cutting Costly Codes Act Attempts to Delay ICD-10


Ted Poe (R-Tex.), along with 6 co-sponsors, proposed a House bill to delay the government-mandated transition to the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10 diagnostic code set in October 2015. The three-page bill, H.R. 2126, was proposed on April 30 and the full text was recently made available.

Dubbed the Cutting Costly Codes Act of 2015, the legislation would prohibit the Secretary of Health and Human Services from replacing ICD-9 with ICD-10 on the currently scheduled date of Oct. 1, 2015. The bill would require the Comptroller General to conduct a study with ICD-10 stakeholders and submit to each House of Congress a report of findings including recommendations for legislative and administrative steps appropriate to allay the disruption ICD-10 would have on healthcare providers.

Most opposition to ICD-10 is coming from practices that cannot meet the expense of transition costs. However, the ICD-10 coalition, a group of hospitals, health plans, and medical device companies, has voiced opposition to any further delay in ICD-10 implementation.

The bill has been referred to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means. It is uncertain if it will be heard by either committee.