This year we want to do it again.
Life Cycle of an Empowerment Plan Employee
Coronis Health is proud to provide over 300 coats to local recipient organizations such as the Jackson Interfaith Shelter, Region 2 Area on Aging, Volunteers of America, Community Action Agency, and Do’chas.
Empowerment Plan - 10 years of Impact
The Empowerment Plan hires single parents from local shelters and provides them with training and full-time employment as seamstresses so that they can earn a stable income, find secure housing, and regain their independence. The individuals they hire manufacture a coat designed to meet the needs of those in the homeless community. The durable EMPWR Coat can transform into a sleeping bag at night or an over-the-shoulder bag when not in use. It costs $150 and takes 1.25 hours to make a sleeping bag coat. Thus far, coats have been distributed to all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces.
The EMPWR Coat by Empowerment Plan (2023)